Quotes On Fake Friends Biography
There are lots of haters in the world. I'm sure we all have our share of them. But one thing I've learned in all these years is that you can't get ahead if you'll try to get even. As hard as it can be sometimes, you just have to be better. You won't be happy trying to make other people miserable anyway. Just live your life to the fullest and forget the enemy. Remember, the best revenge is to forgive, live well and succeed. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good life! Anyway, here's some quotes I wanted to share with you if you happen to have haters or fake friends.
1.) Deep down some of your so called friends don't want the best for you. They sleep better when they know you're not sleeping well.
2.) Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.
3.) It's not how many friends you have, it's the quality of friends you have.
4.) Be careful of those who pat you on the back. They might be looking for a soft spot to plant the knife.
5.) Friends are like boobs, some are big, some are small, some are real while some are fake.
6.) When you're up in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you're down in life, you get to know who your friends are!
7.) People who talk shit to you, usually talk shit about you.
8.) Be careful of who you pick as a friend, most people pretend to listen, but are only gathering information to judge you with.
9.) It's so ironic. The people in my life who say, 'I'm always going to be here for you.' are the ones that walk away first.
10.) Fake friends are easy to find and easy to loose but real friends are the hardest to find and hardest to lose.
11.) Fake friends are autumn leaves; they are scattered everywhere.
12.) Fake friends believe your fake smile, true friends see the tears your hiding inside.
13.) True friends are always there for you. Fake friends only appear when they need something from you.
14.) Its funny how; The one person you'd take a bullet for tends to always be the one behind the gun.
15.) Fake friends are no different than shadows, they stick around during your brightest moments, but disappear during your darkest hours.
16.) Since when did BFF stand for 'backstabbing fake friend?"
17.) The most fake thing I have ever seen is watching two girls meet each other for the first time.
18.) The less people you chill with, the less problems you deal with.
19.) I'd rather be a friendless loser, than have a bunch of friends who secretly hate me.
20.) In your life you will deal with hurt, disappointments , heartaches , headaches, heartbreaks , liars, cheaters, players, fake friends, scandalous females, trust issues, backstabbers , gossipers , and most importantly deceitfulness. you have to expect a punch and take a Tylenol , have dirt thrown on you and brush it off, be tripped but stand up stronger than ever.
21.) There's no point of having tons of friends who won't be there when you're down.
22.) A fake friend calls when they need something. A real friend calls to ask if you're in need.
23.) Guess I must have some kind of brain injury. Cause I stupidly thought that this fake friendship might be real.
24.) Some people they only remember me when they are broke, hungry and need shelter.
25.) In the end, you'll realize you only have a few true friends. But that's better than having many fake ones.
26.) There's always those friends who are secretly happy to see you fall down. No friends are worse than them.
27.) Best friends are like diamonds, *precious* and *rare*. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.
28.) You gotta deal with the shit people do. Not everyone in life is gonna stay true.
29.) What goes around comes around. That's what people say. So all the pain you caused me will come back to you someday.
30.) Neither of us meant for things to be this way. If things went differently, maybe we'd still talk today.
31.) No one stays true. It's like an addiction because ain't no one real, it's all fiction.
32.) Sometimes growing up - means growing a P A R T.
33.) Some say that time changes, best friends can become strangers.
34.) Nowadays there's no honor, only drama. Your friend today can be your enemy tomorrow.
35.) Another lesson learned. Better know your friends or else you'll get *burned*
36.) What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can longer believe you.
37.) Friends are like roses, you have to look out for the pricks!
38.) I guess in the end people become the people that they promised they'd never be.
39.) It's funny how you can grow away from your friends, when just a few years ago they were the most important people in your life.
40.) Best friends are like bread knives, they can help you lots but they can hurt you badly too.
41.) It's never your enemies that get you. It's always your own people.
42.) Fake people have a hard time attaching themselves to people who have good self-esteem. Because people who feel good about themselves won't put up with them.
43.) I'm sorry did my back hurt you're knife?
44.) Never turn you're back on a friend, thats the best target.
45.) While you're stabbing my back, you can kiss my ass too.
46.) All the mistakes in the world couldnt measure up to the day i thought i could trust you.
47.) Yeah, being apathetic is a pathetic way to be but I don't care, what matters to you does not matter to me.
48.) When your up, your friends know who you are. When you're down, you know who your friends are.
49.) You can't laugh last If I stab you in the throat with the knife you left in my back.
50.) I was the one who said things changed; you were the one who proved it.
And remember, in dealing with backstabbers and haters, there's only one thing I’ve learned. Those bitches are only powerful when your back is turned.
Quotes On Fake Friends Tumblr Taglog Forever Leaving Being Fake Changeing With Benefits And Family Letting Your Down Hurting You
Quotes On Fake Friends Tumblr Taglog Forever Leaving Being Fake Changeing With Benefits And Family Letting Your Down Hurting You
Quotes On Fake Friends Tumblr Taglog Forever Leaving Being Fake Changeing With Benefits And Family Letting Your Down Hurting You
Quotes On Fake Friends Tumblr Taglog Forever Leaving Being Fake Changeing With Benefits And Family Letting Your Down Hurting You

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